Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Tap Into the Power of Reddit - Internet Marketing

I'm always amazed when I speak with other internet marketers who have never harnessed the power of the giant beast that is Reddit. I can understand that while it's users are some of the most honest and perhaps intimidating; they are also some of the most avid and consistently engaged - particularly when compared to other social and sharing mediums. 

Many of us longtime online marketers have long known that Reddit is one of the ultimate tools of IM... when used in the correct manner. However, I notice that many newcomers write Reddit off as an older and non-relevant aspect of the internet. Many who do recognize Reddit's power simply do not know how to engage in a manner that is conducive to Reddit's loyal community. 

Although this website is 10-years old, it remains one of the biggest websites on the internet, boasting over 20 million uniques per month. 

So how does Reddit work and how can it help you increase YOUR bottom line? 

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